Valentine’s Day Songs and Activities
I’m sharing eight Valentine’s Day songs and activities in this post for preschool through 5th grade. I’ll share the songs, and then I’m going to give you a couple of different activity ideas. Fun games, movement, activity, hand actions, or a musical element that you can use in your classroom or at .
“Skidamarink a Dink” Rhythm Stick Activity Fun
You can have “Skidamarink a Dink rhythm stick activity fun in your music and movement classes. It’s a unique and exciting way for you to
Fun Kids Activities for “Doggie, Doggie Where’s Your Bone?”
Fun kids activities for “Doggie, Doggie Where’s Your Bone?” nursery rhyme song and game. “Doggie, Doggie Where’s Your Bone?” is a favorite game song for preschool and elementary aged children. Playing the game and doing these fun activities can help children with social skills like “taking turns”. And help them exercise gross motor muscles and encourage vocal singing development. SING PLAY CREATE
Presto Rhythm Stick Routine for the Song “Snowman Dance”
Let me introduce a presto rhythm stick routine for the song “Snowman Dance”! This activity is not only a hit with kids, but it also helps them build essential skills while having a blast! The routine is easy to learn and I give you all the steps you need to know to teach this in your class or at home.
Winter Music and Movement Activity for K-4 Music Class
Here’s a quick and easy winter music and movement activity for K-4 music class. You can scaffold the activities for different grade levels using movement, instruments, creating rhythm and composing activities. Music and movement activity ideas for the elementary music teacher. SING PLAY CREATE
Favorite Patriotic Music and Movement Activities
President’s Day is a national holiday and sometimes gets overshadowed by Valentine’s Day. But I think we can give some “love” to this important historic holiday using some fun patriotic themed activities. That’s why I’m sharing my favorite patriotic music and movement activities for preschool through 4th grades.
In this post I’ll share how to teach BEAT, RHYTHM, AB FORM and CREATIVE MOVEMENT using my favorite patriotic music and movement activities and some PATRIOTIC SONGS.
Easy to Learn Winter Scarf Movement Songs
If you like scarf movement then this blog post is for you. I’m sharing some easy to learn winter scarf movement songs to teach to
Quick and Easy Winter Brain Breaks for Elementary School
Quick and Easy winter brain breaks for elementary classrooms. Indoor recess, breaks, fun Friday, P.E. and Music class activities. Movement songs and games for K-6. Sing Play Create
Penguin Action Song and Dance for Winter Activities
Penguin action song “Penguins on the Ice” one of many Winter movement breaks for children by Sing Play Create.
Brain breaks and movement activities help children exercise mind and body. This penguin action song is fun for toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarten children.