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What does bike riding have to do with a Freebie Music Teacher Product–Read on to find out.

You’re probably wondering what a bike ride could have to do with a Freebie Music Teacher Product–Read on to find out.   I’m vacationing in one of my favorite places in the Utah  Mountains and I’m trying to get in some bike rides under that beautiful blue sky. It was a bit warm when I took this one, but  I headed out anyway to enjoy the green, green scenery.

I love the feeling of FREEDOM when I’m out on my bike. No phone, no work, no chores hanging over my head–just a long and winding road. So I thought I’d take you on my ride and share some fabulous Favorite Freebies at the TPT store. The key word is…as you probably guessed FREE-BIES.  I guess I should make that my nick-name.  I’m a FREE-BEE! on my yellow bike.

It takes me about 5 miles to get warmed up and so I’m heading down the road and I thought I’d stop over at FPS RESOURCES first.  In order to feel comfortable on a road bike you have to practice–and as Music teachers know, PRACTICE is something we preach.

Jennifer Fox at FPS Resources has a slew of FREEBIES 
She’s got practice cards, practice tips, practice games, Piano Karate, Ipad and Tablet rules and some inspirational posters.  You won’t go wrong checking out her site and following her for her future Freebies and products.

I’m picking up speed now and so I’m riding on over to The Rested MusicianTHE RESTED MUSICIAN to check out her SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA PUZZLE PIECE MATCH UPS

Symphony Orchestra Puzzle Piece Match-Ups

which would go really well with my INSTRUMENT BUNDLE


There’s a bit of a hill in front of me, but I’m pedaling strong over to Sally Utley 
She’s also got a great blog….Sally’s Sea of Songs K5Sally Utley 

to check out 2 FREEBIES! The Big Apple Dance Craze 1937 - Smart Notebook
Pitch Publications

Just looking at that juicy apple is making me think that I need to stop for a snack so I can make it up the next hill. I think I’ll rest in the shade a bit here at   Pitch Publications for my favorite STORYBOOK SERIES “HEY DIDDLE DIDDLE”

Storybook Series - Hey Diddle Diddle

And now it’s time for the home stretch–

Funny, but it’s FLOATING DOWN THE RIVER, Floating Down the River- Linda Seamonswhich is what I’d like to do after this ride. She’s got a fun Game–which makes me want to go grab this freebie right away because I love games. ROLL A RHYTHM Roll a Rhythm: A Game for Composing and Reading Rhythms   
 For some great KODALY inspired tips check out her FLOATING DOWN THE RIVER ON THE OHIO BLOG.
Finally, I arrive home and all I really want to do is sit down and cool off–which reminds me that my new FREEBIE at SING PLAY CREATIVELYIt’s a KODALY SIGHT SINGING FREEBIE.

 KODALY SIGHT SINGING Practice  *so *mi *la *Curwen Hand Si

So take a spin and grab some FREEBIES over at the TPT STORE.



Meet Sandra

Hi there!  I’m Sandra, one of the authors behind Sing Play Create.  My goal is to provide teachers with interactive resources and activities to improve the effectiveness of their teaching and enhance student learning.

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