Music Teachers need a core collection of Hello Songs, Games, Activities, Planner and Decor. It’s HERE! Whether starting a new elementary music program,Moving to a new school or you just need a change, the Music Class Essentials in a World Theme Décor with Teaching Tools can help you establish and/or embellish your K-6 Classroom with amazing Decor, Original songs, games, chants PLUS 7 Resources that will compliment any curriculum. Teacher Planner, Décor, Notebook and Projectable copies of materials.
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Music Teachers need a core collection of Hello Songs, Games, Activities, Planner and Decor. It’s HERE! Whether starting a new elementary music program, Moving to a new school or you just need a change, the Music Class Essentials in a World Theme Décor with Teaching Tools can help you establish and/or embellish your K-6 Classroom with amazing Decor, Original songs, games, chants PLUS 7 Resources that will compliment any curriculum.
Elementary music class set of the basic materials a general teacher needs to establish a curriculum. World themed decor, songs, games and activities to help you organize, decorate and create your music classroom. This general music Class Essentials set of materials includes teaching materials and decor to establish or embellish your K-6 elementary general music classroom.
Please see the detailed list of all of the elementary classroom materials in this resource including: Songs, Games, Chants, Activities, Teacher Planner, Décor, Notebook Cover, in presentation, pdf, video, audio files. Embellish or Create your music curriculum with these engaging and interactive materials. For the General Music Classroom.
*Please check out the individual Video previews of each product for a complete preview.
CREATE MINI- LESSONS using the presentation posters you can upload to google slides.
SING ALONG: Students can singalong with the Videos and Mp3 files. (easily inserted into google slides)
PRINTABLE: Students can print the sheet music, chants, flash cards and record themselves on Flipgrid or other video apps to show that they learned the materials and played the games.
TEACHER: You will be able to video yourself teaching all these songs and activities using the presentation posters to create lessons you can use in distance learning, sub plans or for your classroom.
What Did You Do This Summer?
Do You Know Your Music Terms?
Do You Know Your Music Notes?
How Do You Play This?
Music Class Name Tags
“This is the Way We Say Hello”
“Hello My Good Friends”
“Hello, Hello Good Morning to You”
“Hello, Hello Good Afternoon”
“Good Morning to You”
“Good Afternoon”
“Hello, Hello How Are You”
Hello Songs Sheet Music
“Apple Tree” Name Game
Beat Ball #1
Beat Ball #2
Drum Beat Name Game #1 “Johnny Plays the Drum Beat”
Drum Beat Name Game #2
Hickety, Pickety
“Johnny, Johnny Will You Stand Up?” /“Mary, Mary Will You Stand Up?”
“Mary Wore Her Red Dress”
“Name, Name is who I See” K-1
Name Toss
We will Name You!
What’s My Name?
Who’s Got the Bean Bag?
“Who’s That Tapping on the Window?”
Brain Break #1
Brain Break #2
Get Quiet Chant
Get Quiet Finger Play
Get Ready to Sing
Here We Go Round the Music Room
Keep Your Hands Feet and Words to Yourself-“Keep Your Hands, Feet and Words to Yourself”
Lining Up Chant
Lining Up “Following the Leader”
Lining Up “This is the way”
“Keep Your Hands, Feet and Words to Yourself” Sheet Music
Movement Activity #1
Movement Activity #2
Personal Space Song/Chant
Quiet Transition Activity
Scrambled Eggs #1
Scrambled Eggs #2
Silent Thank You
Sitting Down- “Criss Cross Applesauce”
Standing Up Stretch
Stand Up- Give Teacher Attention
Super Hero Line Up
These are The Rules Echo Chant
“What Did You Do This Summer?“
Songs with Mp3 Tracks
“This is the Way We Say Hello”
“Hello My Good Friends”
“Hello, Hello Good Morning to You”
“Hello, Hello Good Afternoon”
“Good Morning to You”
“Good Afternoon”
“Hello, Hello How Are You”
“Mary, Mary Will You Stand Up?”
“Mary Wore Her Red Dress”
“Name, Name is who I See” K-1
“Here We Go Round the Music Room”
“Keep Your Hands, Feet and Words to Yourself”
Lining Up “Following the Leader”
Drum Beat Name Game #1 “Johnny Plays the Drum Beat”
Sitting Down “Criss-Cross Applesauce”
76 Color Pages
1. Title page
2. Contents
3. Resource Description
4. How to plan ideas
5. National Arts Standards
6. Teaching Friendly music standards
7. Lesson planning music standards: music elements
8. I Can Standards
9. Student friendly I can’s
10. Music Classroom Essential Materials
11. Music Class lesson plan full page
12. Music Class lesson plan ½ sheet
13. Weekly personal planner
14. Weekly Big Goals sheet
15. Dreams and Goals Planning sheet
16. Poster “Why I like Music”
17. Music Class Teacher Binder
18. Music Class Binder 2 in side
19. Music Class Binder 1 inch
20. Music Teacher Planning Packet Cover
21. Music Teacher Binder Cover
22. My Life Info
23. Daily Planner
24. Weekly Planner
25. Monthly
26. Quarterly
27. Yearly
28. Substitute Planner
29. School Information
30. Music Standards
31. Music Room Essentials (materials/instruments/tech)
32. Concert Planner
33. Kinder Music Program
34. First . . .
35. Second . .
36. Third . . .
37. Fourth . . .
38. Fifth . . .
39. Sixth . . .
40. All School
41. Music Program
42. Guitar
43. Orff
44. Ukulele
45. Recorders
46. Choir
47. Kodaly
48. My Favorites
49. Lesson Planner
50. Curriculum Planner
51. Substitute Lesson Plans
52. January
53. February
54. March
55. April
56. May
57. June
58. July
59. August
60. September
61. October
62. November
63. December
64. Classroom Roster
65. Weekly Lesson planner pg. 1
66. Monthly Lesson Planner
67. All grades quarter overview
68. Quarter Planner for 1 grade
69. Quarter Planner for 1 grade (portrait size)
70. Weekly schedule pg. 1
71. Weekly schedule pg. 2
72. Concert song planner
73. Concert Lesson Planner
74. Concert to Do planner
75. Staging and materials
76. Blank Page with border
Except for the Note Book covers and Blank Color Pages
Thank you Card in 3 styles for teacher and student use.
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