This rhythm chant bundle is perfect to kick start your elementary music class back to school activities. Students can chant, create and share rhythms in many ways using the variety of teaching tools and materials in this rhythm activities bundle. Rhythm chant “Get to Know Ya” Levels 1 & 2 and Digital Rhythm Activities Levels 1 & 2 with DRAG & DROP activities and images for your online and in class music lessons.
This rhythm chant bundle is perfect to kick start your elementary music class back to school activities. Students can chant, create and share rhythms in many ways using the variety of teaching tools and materials in this rhythm activities bundle. Rhythm chant “Get to Know Ya” Levels 1 & 2 and Digital Rhythm Activities Levels 1 & 2 with DRAG & DROP activities and images for your online and in class music lessons. The chants are perfect for back to school, after breaks and welcoming new students into your classes. Use the drag and drop activities all year long. Perfect for small group assessments, computers, tablets and google apps. Grades K-6
Music Class Chant, Game and Rhythm Lesson: “Get to Know Ya” Level 1
Eighth, Quarter Notes
Create and Play Rhythms
I Can Say and Play Rhythms
I Can Play a Rhythm Pattern
I Can Create a Rhythm Pattern
Teaching VIDEO-
Chant & Game with music
2 Practice Tracks; vocal/rhythm
Game Directions
I Can Statements
Teaching Presentation PDF, PPT
With Step By Step Practice and Examples
Say and Play Rhythmic Practice
with 4 quarter note & 4 eighth note pictures
Say and Play the Rhythms
Quarter note, eighth note, 2 focus rhythms
Create a Rhythmic Pattern;
2 variations for the game, 1 fill in the blank for student use/projecting
5 Worksheets
Upper Elementary Music Class Chant, Game and Rhythm Lesson: “Get to Know Ya” L2
Sixteenth, Eighth, Quarter Notes
Create a Rhythm
Play a Rhythm
I Can’s:
I Can Say and Play Rhythms
I Can Play a Rhythm Pattern
I Can Create a Rhythm Pattern
Teaching VIDEO-
Chant & Game with music
2 Practice Tracks; vocal/rhythm
Game Directions
I Can Statements
Teaching Presentation PDF, PPT
With Step By Step Practice and Examples
Say and Play Rhythmic Practice
with 2 quarter & 2 eighth, 2 sixteenth note pictures
Say and Play the Rhythms
Quarter, eighth, sixteenth note, 2 focus rhythms
Create a Rhythmic Pattern;
2 variations for the game, 1 fill in the blank for student use/projecting
5 Worksheets
Music Rhythm Activities Level 1: Digital Google Slides & Presentation Posters
CONCEPTS: Rhythm, Eighth, Quarter Notes
Teaching Directions
Teaching Presentation PDF, PPT with Step By Step Practice and Examples
Google Slides Activities with Drag & Drop images
Drag and Drop Digital Images (18)
Practice rhythms with pictures
4 quarter, 4 eighth note slides
Say and Play Rhythmic Practice
4 with pictures
6 slides; quarter, eighth, combo rhythms
Create a Rhythmic Pattern
3 variations; match the rhythm to the picture, match the picture to the rhythm, create your own drag and drop,
1 blank 4 beat fill in the boxes to create your own activities
Music Rhythm Activities Level 2: Digital Google Slides & Presentation Posters
CONCEPTS: Rhythm- Eighth, Quarter, Sixteenth Notes
Teaching Directions
Teaching Presentation PDF, PPT with Step By Step Practice and Examples
Google Slides Activities with presentation & Drag & Drop images
27 Drag and Drop images that are in the presentation and slides activities
Say the Words and Tap the Rhythms
(4) 4 beat patterns with pictures
Say and Play Rhythmic Practice
7 slides; quarter, eighth, sixteenth & combo rhythms
Practice rhythms with pictures
4 quarter, 4 eighth, 4 sixteenth note slides
Create a Rhythmic Pattern Presentation
4-Write the rhythms to match the sounds of the pictures.
4-Write the words the match the rhythms.
1 blank 4 beat fill in the boxes to create your own rhythm.
Create a Rhythmic Pattern Google Slides
3 variations; match the rhythm to the picture & match the picture to the rhythm, fill in the blanks
Worksheets: 4 fill in the blanks (one rhythm)
1 fill in the blanks (4 on one page)
1 fill in all the rhythms
1 draw shapes to show rhythm
2 Write the rhythms of the picture
Google Apps- use the video, upload the presentation and/or the worksheets for assignments
WebEx, Screencastify, Zoom, etc. You can share your screen and have students practice and play the game together.
Classroom Activities on individual tablets/computers
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